
Decorative Wave

Ritual & Ceremony for Rites of Passage

Sacred Space Uniquely Crafted for Your Threshold Moment

Ceremonies & Rituals

Rites of passage are an ancient way of marking threshold moments. Religions and cultures all over the world hold sacred space for birth, coming of age, marriage, entering into old age and death. Crafting a personal ritual is a powerful way to honor a transitional moment in life. 

All rituals are performed in exchange for a love offering, which can be donations of money, goods, services, food, handmade items, herbal medicines.

Bite the apple

Sometimes called maidening, this event marks the transition into womanhood. The young woman being honored releases an item representing childhood, steps over the red cord into the circle, receives gifts for her medicine bag, and is adorned with henna by the circle of women.

This is a sweet way to honor a pregnant woman’s passage into motherhood. The woman is held by the circle, belly adorned, given blessings and gifts for her and the baby. It can involve singing, storytelling, reiki or other energy work. This is a sacred way to support and empower a woman in her motherhood journey.

During this ceremony, the mother is pampered with a massage, rocked gently in birthing blankets, sung to, cradled and given healing energy work. This ritual honors the opening in the mothers body bringing life forward and helps to close that portal. This can be done after a misscarriage or abortion to honor loss.

This ceremony is a way to love up and beautify a bride to be. It might involve anointing with oils, herbal foot bath, henna, hair brushing, facial, massage and energy work. Bridesmaids, mothers, aunties and sisters offer blessings to the bride.

An ancient wedding ceremony, this is a ritual that binds the couples hands together using a ceremonial rope, signifying the binding of the two lives. Each ceremony is as unique as the couple participating. There is music, poetry,

Croning rituals or wise woman blessings facilitate moving into your wise woman phase with reverence and grace. This can take place after one turns 50, completes menopause or becomes a grandmother. This event might involve a ritual meal, an anointing and adornment, a ritual threshold crossing, singing, chanting and drumming, receiving gifts. You might take a new name that more accurately fits who you are in this phase of your life as an elder.

This is a sacred space to mourn and honor loss and each ritual is unique. This can involve creation of an altar, artwork, burying a time capsule, writing a letter to the deceased, singing, chanting, drumming, crying.

This is a practice that assists one in severing energetic ties with people, patterns or situations that no longer serve your highest good. This involves self reflection, gratitude for lessons learned and the energy cord cutting.

This is an energy cleansing ritual supported by plant allies. The bath supports in warding off negativity, bad luck and unwanted vibes. This provides purification, renewal and spiritual healing. Depending on the herbs and flowers used, the intention can be to invoke beauty, peace, abundance, strength, an open heart or other qualities. This ritual can involve meditation, creating affirmation artwork.

This can help to heal relationships with ancestors of the land you are on or heal intergenerational trauma in your lineage. Research and preparation is done before the ceremony to understand those who have gone before and get clear on what is needed during the ceremony. We create an ancestor earth altar, give offerings, and create ritual artwork.

Sometimes we need support from the spirit world to let stuff go! Rituals like Ho o pono pono offer reconciliation and forgiveness in a sacred space. Despacho or gratitude rituals are powerful ways to release what no longer serves us and attract more of what we want in our lives. These can be healing for couples, families or communities experiencing conflict or needing to express gratitude.

Puja rituals are acts of devotion and worship of god. We calm the mind and heart through adoring focus on the chosen deity being worshiped in the ceremony. A focal point serves as embodiment of the divine and aids in meditation. We create a beautiful space and altar with offerings.